This is the introduction of a 64 bit release of the grabber. Download Bahtinov Grabber 64 bit (13208) here.
It was tested in combination with ASCOM 5.5b. Make sure you have that installed.
This same release is available in 32 bit as well: download Bahtinov Grabber 32 bit (7886) here.
Main changes:
- generic, more accurate calculation of focus error. Also works for masks other than the standard 20 degrees
- choice which R,G,B channel(s) should be part of the line detection
- audible feedback
I’ve been using Bahtinov Grabber for a short while and find it a big help in focusing my DSLR camera. Thanks for the software.
However this latest version does seem to have a problem at times locking onto the lines in the image and gives false readings. I never had this issue with the previous version. At times when visually the focus looks correct the one of the overlayed lines shown in the software is way off and can jump between two places. Also when the problem occurs the mask angle is also shown incorrectly.
I’m running the 32bit version on a netbook, Canon 300D camera and DSLRFocus software for image capture.
Does this work with the upgraded ASCOM v6?
Many thanks
I’m using your program with success. Thanks for it. Maybe it’s an idea to build a program for collimating a SCT based on the same method. Recognizing the rings and there position? Please send me a mail.
Just doesnt work. “Unhandled exception has occured in your application” etc etc.
I really dont want to load Ascom on to my system I’m happy as is is
The program works ok thank you.
The only problem is that the fcusb ascom driver doesn’t work because the program wants a 64 bit version of the ascom driver
Have you tried the 32 bit version?
Great program that i use frequently to focus with my DSLR.
I experience the same problems as James did. Unstable readings, so i fell back to the former version.
Thanx for this great piece of software.
It is a novel and user friendly software application that works every time to get razor sharp focusing provided that your Bahtinov masks have been well designed.
Thanks for making this fantastic piece of work available to us!
Regarding the ASCOM Shoestring FCUSB Driver 32bit 64bit problem, there is a solution asuming you have downloaded the driver from the shoestring web site:
Start “Bahtinov” soft.
Press “Config”.
On the ASCOM Focuser Chooser, select the “POTH HUB” instead of the “Shoestring FCUSB Focus Motor Controller”.
Press “Properties”
Press “Choose Focuser”.
Then select the “Shoestring FCUSB Focus Motor Controller”.
Press “Conect”.
Press “OK”.
And there you have it!
Regarding the so called Driver problem w/ Shoestring FCUSB ASCOM Driver, and asuming you have downloaded the ASCOM driver from the Shoestring web site:
Start “Bahtinov” soft.
Press “Config”
Select at the ASCOM Focus Chooser the “POTH HUB”.
Press “Properties”.
Press “Choose Focuser”.
Select “shoestring FCUSB Focus Motor Controller”.
Press “Conect”.
Press “OK”.
Press “OK”.
And there you have it!!!
I’ve just bought a new wiz bang laptop, handles 64 and 32biy with plenty of grunt. Should i be able to upload the grabber software and use it without the need to downlaod and supporting software apart from Ascom.
Also does the grabber require a brigt star.
carl rainer
I’ve tried both the 64-bit and 32-bit version with the Arduino Focuser ASCOM driver. Neither work and both complain about a 32-bit only driver.
I have sent you a new version of Bahtinov grabber (both 32 and 64 bit) that does not have autofocus, and therefore is independent of Ascom.
If it works, I will distribute it to everybody who wants it.
Hello Niels,
i cant expand the 64 bit archive of the bahitnov-grabber under Windows 7 ??
the 32 bit version works, but not stable . A focuser i have not yet . I am running W 7 under Macbook prof. Intel and Parallels 8 . All other programms from W 7 work fine .
I hope you have an idea ?
Best regards
From Admin Aug 23
Independent of Ascom… If it works, I will distribute this version.
Has this been released yet.
Please leave the distributing to my weblog, I will post it asap.
Could you send me both 32 64 bit BG that does not have autofocus, and therefore is independent of Ascom. I would like to try this and see if this works for me. Thank you
See the latest post where you can download them: