Simulate you own mask diffraction pattern

You can load any type of mask and simulate the diffraction pattern for any wavelength.

Download “Maskulator” here: Maskulator (7612)
Version 5.0, July 18 2009

Updates will follow. Planned features are:

- full color spectrum in one image DONE in V2.0
- save as AVI DONE in V3.0 sample AVI here, divx codec used
dowload DivX codec here
- save as bitmap DONE in V3.0
- V4.0 bug fixes in number of frames
- V5.0: write AVI compressed in codec of choice

8 Responses to “Simulate you own mask diffraction pattern”

  1. Pieter says:

    Beste Niels,

    Is het mogelijk om van dit handige programma een Linux versie te maken? Ik kan hier waarschijnlijk wel bij helpen, heb enige ervaring met Pascal en C (Java zal het wel niet zijn).

    Alvast bedankt voor je antwoord!

  2. Ivan Krastev says:

    Hi Niels,

    I am the author from telescope design software MODAS and the editor of ATM Letters Journal. Today by searching in the web I found your stuff about Bahtinov masks and software fresnel.exe. I wish to publish in my short review about this program, but I’m not sure who is the owner of the software, here is no program about or readme file. Can you contact me?

    Thanks in advance!

    best regards


  3. Mario says:

    The program does not work here. Windows server 2008, 64 bit.
    Loading a mask works. Nothing else.
    When I click “calculate” the picture disappears and that’s it.
    If I click save BMP or AVi – and error message appears (unhandled exception)

  4. Mario says:

    Yes, it works now. Thanks ! The libfftw3f-3.dll was overwritten but I guess that’s normal. Just to let other people know.

  5. Grey says:

    Is it possible to add phase-mask options to Maskulator?

  6. admin says:

    Yes, let me know what you need/want.

  7. Grey says:

    I’d like to load 2 mask. First one for amplitude distribution and second for phase distribution. It’s a general form of Bahtinov mask.

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