Archive for the ‘ETX90’ Category

There’s a little black spot on the sun today…

Monday, April 30th, 2007

Using a solar filter that attenuates the suns light about 100,000 times, it is possible to safely watch the sun directly through a telescope.stack-sun-2x-iso1000-wavelet-crop.jpg

Perfect seeing, perfect telescope

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

In an ideal world, a 512 pixel wide Saturn image would look like this:


But if an 8 inch telescope (like C8) would be used in perfect seeing, the resolution would be limited to (simulated with Aberrator):

For the 90 mm ETX90 it would look like:


Best Jupiter+red spot so far

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006


June 7th 2006, Jupiter, red spot and a hint of “red spot junior” in the lower right of “senior”.

Timelapse (animated gif) between 22h50 and 23h11:

Lunar mosaic

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

2006_04_04_maan-etx90-usm.jpgMosaic of 15 registered and stacked (Registax 3) movies, made with ETX90 and Philips Toucam.